Coperture per cieli WaveSkyCoperture per cieli WaveSky
Wave Sky con Smart Drive HPWave Sky con Smart Drive HP

Motorised bellows for the protection of the roof of mobile traverse milling machines

WAVE SKY are bellows that limit the escape of fumes, dust and shavings from the workpiece processing area.
With the application of the WAVE SKY bellows, the power for the extraction of fumes in the processing of carbon fibres, composite material and vaporised coolant is reduced.
The special translucent fabric used ensures brightness in the processing area.
The motorised version makes the opening and closing of the machine top fast.



Wave Sky bellows for roofs

Excellent resistance to petroleum products, oils and strong abrasion. The textile insert is made up of a special canvas with high transverse rigidity and an excellent aesthetic appearance. It is normally used in the presence of large quantities of chips. TRANSLUCENT and ANTISTATIC.

CodeMaterial descriptionThicknessHeat resistance
Visible sideTextile insertNon-visible sideInstantaneous
contact °C
Continuous °C
TEMAT154PolyurethanePolyesterPolyurethane0,9+130-30 +90


Wave Sky bellows for roofs

Detail of the antistaticity of the fabric


Wave Sky bellows for roofs

CERAMIX, PEI TEMAT180 code, has excellent resistance to abrasion, cuts, oils and high temperatures. The textile insert is made up of two coupled fabrics and this gives the fabric a high transversal rigidity and an excellent aesthetic appearance. In WAVE-SKY, CERAMIX is used only in the folds of the bellows near the work area, in the presence of large quantities of hot and sharp ALUMINIUM chips, for high-speed chip removal in a dry working environment. ANTISTATIC.

CERAMIX LIGHT, PEI TEMAT181 code, has excellent resistance to abrasion, cuts, oils and high temperatures. The textile insert is made of an ANTISTATIC fabric with good transverse rigidity and an excellent aesthetic appearance. CERAMIX LIGHT is used in the presence of hot and sharp chips, for high-speed chip removal in both dry and wet working environments.

CodeMaterial descriptionThicknessThermal resistance
Visible sideTextile insertNon-visible sideInstantaneous
contact °C
Continuous °C
TEMAT180CPT**Polyester1,8+1200-30 +90
TEMAT181CPT**Polyester0,9+1200-30 +90

** Ceramic Polymer Technology


Rail details

Wave Sky bellows for roofs

Rail details: modular and adjustable to size.

The same rail system can also be used for Wave Sky Light and Wave Sky Cover.


Wave Sky bellows for roofs

Sliding on bearing.

Bearing structure

Wave Sky bellows for roofs

Modular supporting structure in aluminium with interchangeable wings.



Wave Sky bellows for roofs

P.E.I. has updated the design of the range of Wave Sky roof protections, introducing the new Smartdrive HP.
The rack has been positioned outside the protective cover, allowing smoother movement, much easier maintenance and longer service life.
Power has moreover been doubled, thanks to two motors installed inside a cartridge, that can be completely and easly removed for maintenance operations in case of failure.
This Plug & Play solution enables continuous machine operation, avoiding costly downtime: the range of Wave Sky roof protections becomes even more powerful and reliable.
